Paraglider In-Flight line Tension meter


The idea

For a while, I’ve been keen to explore the differences in inputs between a novice pilot and an experienced pilot, as well as looking into the dynamics of the wing in flight.

I was interested to know more about internal pressure, line tension, and in general how these aircraft behave dynamically since they have no compression strength and all parts are under tension.

This led me down a path to try different solutions to measure line tension.


How IT was made

I started by using Arduino micro-controllers for earlier prototypes and they have proven quite flexible.

I have since designed my own PCB, selected & soldered electronic components, programmed the code, designed the enclosure in CAD and 3D printed it.

From start to finish this is a 100% in-house made project which gives it a lot of flexibility for applications and gives me the know-how to produce future versions.



  • Up to 13 load sensors

  • Up to 50 kg range on each sensor

  • +/- 50gram accuracy

  • 10Hz sampling rate on all sensors in parallel

  • 80Hz sampling rate on single sensors possible

  • All data written to SD card



The data gets written and timestamped onto a CSV (spreadsheet) file so that it can be processed. From there it can be graphed and interpreted and even correlated to a video of the test flight for spacial awareness.

Each column corresponds to a sensor or line in the paraglider and the values are expressed in kilos (kg). Sample data of a short flight done with 2 sensors, on the lower A line and Brake line of the same side can be downloaded below.



If you’re interested in this service or want to discuss a brand new project, just send us a message and we’ll get back to you!